Saturday, May 24, 2008

School's Out for Summer--but not like Alice Cooper

Finished up some stuff at school that needed to be done this past week. Glad to have that over with. Actually, we were done with kids on the 14th, so summer technically started then. Less than 3 months though until school starts again. I'm sure the time will fly by.

However, time was sooooo slooooow at the golf course earlier today. When multiple inches of rain gush upon Nebraska & sustaining winds blow at around 25 mph, not many people want to golf. Oh, add to that the windchill early this morning was around 48. I had one high school golfer at the course around 9:30, but otherwise no one came out until 1:00. What a slow day! I did get my iTunes in order. I even watched some back podcasts. Finally decided to order my textbooks for the online classes I'm taking throughout June & July.

Both classes start June 9, the week I'm at a conference in Lincoln. At least the hotel has high speed internet. The shorter of the two classes is called "Copyright, Fair Use, and Ethics," which really should be applicable in all of the classes I teach. Pretty sure the material will be dry. I'm also pretty sure I'll have a hard time getting myself back into the academia world of paper writing & researching. The second class, which lasts all of June & July is "Intro to Library Media," which will focus a lot on information literacy. But once again, I'll be Loper, as UNK has the entire Information Technology degree program online. (Yes, I know I already have one Master's Degree, but this will not only aid in my quest for lifelong learning, but it will also move me on the pay scale!)

That's all the news from Pierce.

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