Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh my goodness

Okay, so this is ridiculous. I'm checking out other people's blogs (because I should be grading papers), & they have all these wonderful posts.

Here I sit in a fully immersed computer haven at school, yet I don't even regularly post to my own blog. I guess I need to start making this a priority.

Really have been having a busy school year. Start my day with freshmen in Computer Applications, and then the rest of the day is junior high. I know what you're thinking, but they're my express lane into heaven. Unless I murder one of them, I'm free and clear.

We spent most of August & September making trips to the Diller area. My grandmother's cancer recurred and pretty much consumed her body. The week school started she was in the hospital, one week later transferred to a nursing home, and about one month later passed away. Really sudden, but yet for the best, as she lived 85 great years.

On to other aspects of our life that have kept us busy. Junior class stuff just never goes away. Hosted the soup supper that we have every year during Homecoming. Even while we are serving soup, the kids want to talk about prom, or the p-word as I call it.

For some other reason, I don't know what it is, I teach talented drama to 5th and 6th graders every year. I'm pretty sure something is wrong with me to volunteer for this position again. Although maybe this is what I need to remind me that although 7th and 8th graders are strange, they're nothing compared to 5th and 6th. Pierce is thinking of creating a true middle school. I kindly informed the powers that be that I'm not really keen on teaching even 7 & 8, let along lower grades.

Tomorrow in talented drama we are doing makeup, which is oh-so-much-fun for them, but it absolutely is a mess for me. But that is something kids always remember and talk about, so I guess it's worth the trouble.

I promise not to let this go for 2 1/2 months before updating again.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I'm sorry to read about your grandma, but glad that she is no longer suffering. Fun to catch up on your as I check in on you weekly. :-) Also glad that it's you and not me coaching those middle level students right now. Something about the weather and being cooped up and all the hormones mixed in... :-) Good luck!