Friday, June 6, 2008

Storms in Pierce!

Crys was adamant that I post at least one time on our blog. Since I didn't really know what to post she suggested that I tell the world about the hail that we got from the latest storms on June 5th. I don't know how much rain we got because I have been forgetting to pick up a new rain gauge. We did get quite a bit of hail, marble and ping pong ball size. I don't think it caused enough damage to our roof that we'll be able to get any insurance money, but I can always hope for more hail. By the way, I had to figure out on my own how to post the slideshow because Crys didn't know how. Maybe I should be teaching the computer applications class at Pierce High next year. [editor's note by Crys, I did play with slideshows yesterday, but I couldn't remember what I had clicked on.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Josh, you're ahead of me in this blogging thing. I finally figured out how to leave a comment!