Tuesday, January 27, 2009

One Wish

Logan's choice of the day (quite creative, I might add) is "If you had one wish, what would it be, and why."

Well, thank goodness I'm not in a beauty contest because then I'd have to wish for world peace, or my chances of winning the contest would be quickly pushed aside.

What if I was a football player? Then I'd have to wish to win all the time because winning is everything.

If I were a janitor, I'd wish for bigger brooms so I could always be sure to sweep the corners (sorry, inside joke at the school--I'll explain if need be).

But since I'm me, I wish for a month long, expense paid vacation to somewhere warm. Say for instance that someone wanted to give me a trip to a tropical area, February or March would be a nice time to travel.

Since I have no rich uncles on the soon to die list, my wish is to get one full day where I can do nothing--no laundry, no cooking, etc. All I have to do is watch television, surf the net, and read a book. I believe this day is called a snow day. My wish would be simple to fulfill.

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